├── shared: Contains shared Python & SQL code used Airflow and proxied Dagster code
├── dagster_defs: Contains Dagster definitions
│ ├── stages: Contains reference implementations of each stage of the migration process
│ ├── definitions.py: Empty starter file for following along with the tutorial
├── airflow_dags: Contains the Airflow DAG and associated files
│ ├── proxied_state: Contains migration state files for each DAG, see migration step below
│ ├── dags.py: The Airflow DAG definition
The tutorial example involves running a local Airflow instance. This can be done by running the following commands from the root of the airlift-migration-tutorial directory.
First, install the required python packages:
make airflow_install
Next, scaffold the Airflow instance, and initialize the dbt project:
make airflow_setup
Finally, run the Airflow instance with environment variables set:
make airflow_run
This will run the Airflow Web UI in a shell. You should now be able to access the Airflow UI at http://localhost:8080, with the default username and password set to admin.
You should be able to see the rebuild_customers_list DAG in the Airflow UI, made up of three tasks: load_raw_customers, run_dbt_model, and export_customers.